Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I Saved Latin. What Did You Ever Do?

I ordered a book on Amazon today that's on film studies and I'm actually super pumped to get it. I think if I go to a university I could do something with film. It's a topic I've been more and more interested in since last year, but I don't know if I'd be good at it and that's weirdly scary to me because I hate to be bad at things.

In celebration of this small purchase I'm doing my favorite stills from my favorite Wes Anderson movies. I think Wes has an amazing creative mind. He was the first director to make me realize how carefully constructed every aspect of a film is, especially cinematography from the blatant symmetry in his shots and color palettes for each of his movies. For my film class two years ago a group of my friends and I recreated the most memorable scenes from Moonrise Kingdom and it was both hilarious and ridiculous. Basically, I know he's not technically the best director/writer out there but his films will always be some of my favorites because they mean a lot to me, and all of them are at the least very good.

Rushmore (1998)
This is my personal Anderson favorite and in general one of my all-time favorites, anyway. This was his first film shot in anamorphic widescreen format 2.35:1 used in most of his later films. It's also Jason Schwartzman's film debut.

Friday, July 17, 2015

The Vampire Slayer. Yes, That One

One of the best times in my life was when my parents started to let me watch slightly more adult-themed films and television that began shaping my brain. I quickly made a long, on-going list in my head of simply bad-ass women characters I desperately wanted to become (among these included but were not limited to: Stephanie Zinone, Grease 2; Veronica Sawyer, Heathers; Alex Munday, the 2000 movie Charlies Angels; etc.).

However, from among my most favorite and most important of these women is Buffy Summers, from Joss Whedon's Buffy The Vampire Slayer series. 

When my mom was a huge pregnant woman with me hanging out in her belly, she has expressed to me that this was by far her favorite show at the time. We have all the seasons on DVD (as well as Angel) sitting on a shelf in the house to prove it. Buffy and the rest of the Scooby Gang are some of if not THE best characters to have ever graced my television screen. Buffy in almost every episode is asked to save the world. She goes through really everything you could imagine with those closest to her, in the most graceful way, all while kicking major ass. How could anyone ever forget some of the scariest creatures created in season four's "Hush"? And I still remember all the words to the songs in the song and dance episode ("Once More With Feeling," I think...don't quote me on that) later in the series.

I also can't not mention how amazingly fantastically gorgeous Sarah Michelle Gellar is. And do you know what I would do to have Buffy's wardrobe?

She truly is one of the strongest and most memorable female cultural icons of the 90s-00s. Her attitude is how I want to live my life.

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Hello World

I'm at a (honestly, very very weird) time in my life where everyone around me is trying and beginning things they are good at or want to be good at. My peers are the angsty teens transitioning to adulthood and graduating from highschool. In my head, my brain is trying as hard as it possibly can to simply figure "it" out, but the only thing I've discovered is that "it" is never that simple (if you know what I mean). I never understood the confusion of growing up or the just plain awkwardness of falling somewhere in between adolescence and adulthood until, guess what, it happened.

I'm trying to get a grip on my life before it slips through my fingers, I hope you have fun watching me either rise to the occasion or fail miserably.

(my life is the biggest bummer ever)